Arroz Chaufa

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This recipe is a classical Peruvian dish. Arroz Chaufa is Peruvian’s version of Chinese fried rice. It is influenced by the influx of Chinese immigrants to Peru. Peru’s fried rice version consists of rice, red bell peppers, green onions, red onions, garlic, soy sauce, scrambled eggs chicken and a dash of sesame oil, ginger, and cumin. This is one of my favorite Peruvian dishes, It was the very first Peruvian dish that I had and also the first dish I ever learned to make. My aunt taught me how to make it and the best tip that she's every given me when it came to making this dish was don't follow the measurement, follow the taste

Arroz Chaufa. Picture from Paulina Cocina



Time to make
Area Time
Prep 15 mins
Cook 10 mins
TOTAL 25 mins


Serving Size
Servings #X
4 people 1X
8 people 2X
12 people 3X



Soy sauce mix


  1. Heat the oil in a large skillet over medium high heat.
  2. Add the red bell peppers and onions. Saute until softened, about 6 minutes.
  3. Right before they peppers and onions are done add the fresh ginger ( if using fresh ginger) and green onions, Saute for a min.
  4. Add the chicken and carefully mix well and cook for a couple minutes or until cooked through.
  5. Add half the rice. Mix well then add the rest of the rice. Mix well.
  6. Add the soy sauce mixture. Mix well then add the chopped scrambled eggs. Toss. Season with salt and pepper.


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